The Tricycle - Small But Terrible Vehicle

The tricycle is considered the most important means of transport in Batangas. And a major means of commute especially in the far-flung barangays or barrios.

It is a motorcycle with attached passenger-cabin with a third wheel. Usually with engines of 125cc and could ride passengers of up to four including the driver.

Tricycle Batangas Philippines

One can consider the trike, and compare it to a taxicab. Although it is smaller in size and in passenger accommodation, it can get to your exact intended place. It is the most convenient mode of transport to take you in the different places in the city and barangays.

Regarded as the cheapest way to move around barrios and towns of Batangas.

This small but terrible three-wheeled vehicle is the tsar of the interior streets and side roads of Batangas. But, the small and mighty transport even manages the national highways. And it can go from one road bend to the succeeding town or metropolis.

For the foreign tourist, one should try riding a trike. The best and safest way is the beach area or the barangay roads. Hire one to sight nearby resorts or go beach hopping.

Feel the excitement of low ride effect of the trike and sense the bumpy roads ahead as it roars to its limits.

Nothing can stop this beast in moving the people around in any destination one wishes. There are no boundaries to how far it can take you, as long as the passenger and the driver both come to an agreement.

Every family in Batangas envision in owning a personal trike. Can serve as their private vehicle and benefit members of the family for their daily mobility. So most families’ goal is to have a trike and receive additional revenues from the 3-wheeled vehicle.

In most towns and cities of Batangas, motorcycle dealers offers financing programs for would be trike owners. For a couple of thousand per month one can drive his/her own motorcycle and have a sidecar customized for his/her needs.

Due to the given convenience that the trike provides in the local community, the numbers has increased and are expected to increase. Thus it has created traffic in town proper and market place around Batangas.

The trike does not only provide transportation to Batangueños (Batangas natives or locals), it also grants jobs to the community.

The tricycle also moves produce like vegetables, fruits, fishes and other products to the city markets. It is an all around vehicle for the Batangueños. Bringing in commerce and business to the province.

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