Travel Direction to Laiya and Hugom beaches in San Juan, Batangas

This travel direction is also applicable to the towns of Padre Garcia and Rosario, Batangas.

At Lipa City Toll exit, turn right towards the town proper of Lipa City, called Laurel Highway (National Highway). You will pass by La Salle Lipa on your left side, and will be approaching a fork road. Take the right road which is Recto St. the main road going to the city proper of Lipa.

You are now in the city proper of Lipa. The traffic could be at snail pace, turn right at Torres St. Drive straight at Torres St. and will lead you to the towns of Padre Garcia and Rosario.

Take a left turn towards the town proper of Padre Garcia. You will pass by the public market of Padre Garcia and turn right after the public market. You are now headed to the town of Rosario.

Along the way you will see a billboard to Batangas Racing Circuit. Take the left side and this will lead you to the town of San Juan. Taking a right turn to Batangas Racing Circuit will lead you to Rosario.

When you hit the town proper of San Juan. Look for the Municipal Hall, at the right side. Take a right turn at the Municipal Hall of San Juan, and it will lead you to barrios of Laiya and Hugom.

At this point, all you have to do is follow the main thoroughfare. The drive is about 24 kilometers or more depending on which resort you are headed too. Driving all the way to Hugom will drive you up a hill of unpaved road. Drive carefully!

Alternate Route to San Juan Via San Jose-Ibaan Exit


The alternate route to San Juan using the San Jose-Ibaan Exit will be a longer drive. But, using the Ibaan exit can save you time in the snail pace traffic you might hit in Lipa City town proper. Taking the alternate route might save you time.

At the STAR Tollway you should exit at the San Jose-Ibaan exit. This is the next toll exit after Lipa or Tambo exit. Turn left after the tollgate and go straight ahead until you see an intersection with a sign to Rosario. Take a left turn at the intersection.

Now go straight and you will hit the Ibaan Municipal Hall on your right, while the Ibaan church will be at your left. Then you will approach a forked road, veer to the right side on the forked road that shows a sign to San Juan, and you will be approaching the town proper of Rosario.

At the town proper of Rosario you will see a Jollibee outlet, go straight and follow the national highway and this will lead you to the town of San Juan.

When you hit the town proper of San Juan. Look for the Municipal Hall, at the right side. Take a right turn at the Municipal Hall of San Juan, and it will lead you to barrios of Laiya and Hugom.

At this point, all you have to do is follow the main thoroughfare. The drive is about 24 kilometers or more depending on which resort you are headed too. Driving all the way to Hugom will drive you up a hill of unpaved road. Drive carefully!

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